Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what hobbies/sports you do.
A: I’m Kate Kim and I play the violin and the flute. I do crew in the fall, but this year, I’m thinking of adding figure skating in the winter!
Q: How is this year’s learning different from last years?
A: Sophomore year is definitely harder than freshman year. I have a lot more homework for each class, so it’s harder to keep track of due dates and manage my time well. However, I luckily have more friends in my classes than last year, so it’s been fun and challenging at the same time.
Q: Which classes have you found the most interesting and why?
A: I would say orchestra is the most interesting class, because there are both upper and underclassmen, which gives me an opportunity to talk to people of different grades that I normally wouldn’t be able to talk to in my other classes.
Q: Describe something that surprised you coming back to school this year that you weren’t expecting?
A: Lots of things changed this year, but I think the amount of homework and the time I have to commit to my extracurriculars surprised me the most. I did crew last year, and I still had a lot of time, so I thought it was going to be a similar experience this year. However, juggling both APUSH and crew together proved harder than what I expected.
Q: What are your thoughts about personal project? What were some challenges you have faced so far? What are you working on?
A: I think personal project is a great opportunity for me to explore things I really wanted to in the past, but didn’t have enough time for. I love baking and even took professional baking lessons in Korea, but I didn’t have time during the school year to really get into baking. For my personal project, I will be baking a batch of french macarons! I baked macarons in the past, but I couldn’t make the perfect batch, so I’m really looking forward to this challenge.
Q: If you could change one thing from your freshman self, what would it be?
A: If I could change one thing from my freshman self, it would be how scared I was of upperclassmen. I’m still a little intimidated by them, but I realized that the highschool world differs from middle school in that your friends don’t have to be limited to just people from your grade. Towards the end of freshman year, I found some of the best people who happened to be upperclassmen.