Q: Tell me a little about yourself and things you do in and out of school?
A: Hi, I’m Hanaan. Some things that I like to do are baking, playing the viola, and listening to music.
Q: Out of all your clubs, extracurriculars, and sports, which one is your favorite and why?
A: Definitely Model UN because I’ve been doing it since I was in 9th grade, so it’s a really big part of my life. I feel like I’ve grown so much, especially because recently I was legal chair for the security council at one of our conferences. I’ve made a lot of great friends and I hope to keep doing it in the future.
Q: What is your favorite Huron event? (Multi Culti, Pep Rally, Homecoming, etc)
A: Multi Culti, since I was MC for it last year in 11th grade. I had such a fun time being able to write the script and work with so many amazing people. It was definitely an experience in my life that I’ll never forget.
Q: Where is your favorite spot at Huron and what do you like about it?
A: For my favorite spot, it’s probably the seating area outside the orchestra room by the Ingram theater. It’s a good spot to just chill because there aren’t many people, so my friend and I eat lunch there almost every day.
Q: What is your favorite high school memory?
A: My favorite high school memory is probably the spring orchestra concert because it was one of my last concerts and it was a culmination of everything I’ve learned over the past 3 years of orchestra. I was really happy to look back and see how much I’ve grown, and I had a really fun time.
Q: Who is one of your favorite teachers and why?
A: One of my favorite teachers is Mrs. Wissman. She’s my French teacher and I’ve known her for three years. She’s one of the sweetest teachers I’ve had. French is one of my favorite classes and a part of that is because of how amazing Ms. Wissman is. I hope she knows that she’s a wonderful teacher.
Q: Which of the classes that you’ve taken is your favorite and why?
A: Definitely Biology. I’ve come to develop such a strong interest in that subject. Initially, I thought I wouldn’t like it, but because of Mrs. Friske and being able to learn with my friends, it was a really cool experience for me. I also think Biology is really cool, and I want to do something with that in the future.
Q: What are you thinking of doing after high school?
A: As of now, I’m still not sure, but I hope to continue my passion for Biology by either studying something related to that or in the medical field.
Q: What is something you’d redo throughout your high school experience if you could start over?
A: Probably trying to be less shy. I’m usually a very quiet person, but I wish I had been able to overcome that initial anxiety and talk to people and make more friends.
Q: What piece of advice would you give to the underclassmen?
A: Don’t be too stressed about the future. I would get so stressed over college and my career, and in the end, it really doesn’t matter as much as I thought it did. You will eventually end up where you need to be. Don’t be too stressed and try to enjoy your life in the present.
Q: What is a hot take of yours?
A: You can still eat ice cream in the winter! It doesn’t have to just be a summer food. You can still drink hot chocolate in the summer. That’s my hot take.
Q: What will you miss most about high school?
A: I’m going to miss messing around with my friends, and just being able to go home after school and chill.