Teacher Tuesday: Ms. Gordon


Courtesy of Ms. Gordon

Ms. Gordon in Copenhagen, Denmark last summer.

Mishal Charania, Online Editor-in-chief

Q: How did you get into teaching and specifically teaching accounting?

A: “I come from a family of teachers (both parents, aunt, Grandpa). When I was young I wanted to be a lawyer, and then I took an accounting class senior year of high school and started helping the people around me. I really loved working with numbers and people. I realized while taking that class that I wanted to become a business teacher.”


Q: What has been your favorite teaching moment? 

A: “There’s too many to name, but I always love when kids come back and let you know how your class has impacted their life in some way. It’s also so great to hear from them after they’ve graduated and are in the real world–keeping up with them and knowing they are doing well is always a good feeling.”


Q: What hobbies do you have?

A: “I’ve really gotten into photography over the last few years and have taken several photography classes. I played golf in college, so whenever I get the chance to go play now I do. I really enjoy spending time with my family and friends and just “slowing down”, taking time to enjoy myself instead of always hustling from one thing to the next.”


Q: What advice do you have for graduating seniors? 

A: “I think back to this video from Mr. Feeny (Boy Meets World). Do good! You have the world at your fingertips, and you will make mistakes no matter how hard you try not to. Accept them, learn from them, and keep trying. The real world is a scary place, but put one foot in front of the other and don’t give up. You have a great foundation from Huron–use what you’ve learned to keep yourself centered and navigate your way through the next step. We will miss you.”


Q: If you could have any other profession what would it be?

A: “I already have a second job that has been my profession longer than I’ve been a teacher or at least had a teaching job! Insurance Agent! But if I had to pick something…I’m honestly not sure. I think it would be fun to be a parent (I’m obviously not there, yet!), there’s something really neat about being a pilot or even a photographer. I think I’d like to do more traveling and see the world.”