Student Spotlight: Evan Ochoa

Joaquin Moore, Cougar Star Staff

After the Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly, which took place on Jan. 15, many were wide-eyed at the performance of Evan Ochoa.  “I was already ambitious and really that’s just gotten me to the point I am now,” Ochoa said. 

Music has been in Ochoa’s life as long as he can remember. At the young age of five, he began writing music, and once he was nine he got a keyboard and music software and began to produce music. For Ochoa, music is almost always on the brain and he uses all the songs swirling around and tries to mimic them letting him explore his style.

Addy Romero

“I mostly listened to whatever was on the radio, and I remember seeing artists doing their own thing and it was just so amazing to me that people can actually do that if you work hard,” he said. 

Through the years Ochoa has been listening to music and coming away amazed and inspired to do more. He has been expanding his horizons and been listening to and making more and more types of music. Through his interest in music he has acquired a plethora of music history facts.

“It’s never just to have it in the background for me,“ Ochoa said. 

As Ochoa has grown and learned more about music, how he listens to music has also changed. As he listens he’s analyzing it and thinking what he can take away from it. First, he listens to the production and instrumentals and tries to figure out what vibe the music is sending and what message it’s trying to convey.

 “As important as lyrics and words are, I think instrumental is just as important if not even more important,” Ochoa said. 

Since he has started to produce music he has done many instrumental tracks. 

Ochoa is an artist who just wants to get out there and make music that people can relate to.