Huron podcasting club: Spotlighting the voices of Huron students

Junior Rachael Kim(right) and Freshman Kate Kim(left), sisters, found the Huron podcasting club.

Daniel Lee, News Editor

According to Statista, the popularity of podcasting has been growing exponentially throughout the years, now that over 48 percent of high school students listen to podcasts weekly. One reason why podcasts are gaining more attention among students is because podcasting can take form in many different ways of storytelling. On a mission to spread Huron students’ stories and voices, Huron podcasting club meets every Thursday after school in room 7118. 


Huron podcasting club focuses on sharing how students at Huron view the world around them and what it means to be a teen in today’s world. 


“In each episode, we tell relatable stories that we have experienced in our daily lives,” junior and club president Rachael Kim said. “So far, we have had people talk about their hectic morning routines, anxiety with making friends, and opinions on school lunches.” 


Although having to record one’s voices to be heard by other students could be nerve-wrecking for many, podcasting club tries to provide a comfortable and supportive environment for anyone, even the ones without any experience with podcasting. 


“Anyone, as long as they can talk, can talk about whatever, including what you did last weekend, a fight with your parents, or even your favorite smoothie recipe, which can all be featured in our short 6-8 minute episode,” Kim said. “No one in the club had any experience in podcasting so far, but they have all produced great conversations.”


While listeners mainly think that podcasting revolves around the person recording their voices, there are many more important roles needed within the club for producing a podcast.


“Every single person participates in the whole production of the podcast from beginning to end, including creating original theme music and cover design,” Kim said. “Even if you are not the talkative type, there are so many behind-the-scenes things to do, from marketing, picking intro and outro music, or working on the advice column.” 


Although the club was able to cover many deep, issue-worthy topics, Kim also hopes to expand the range of topics that can be discussed within their podcasts. 


“We have had people talk about mental health issues or things they are struggling with, which I really appreciate, because it is not always easy to share your vulnerable side,” Kim said. “I think high school is not just about struggles or dark moments. It is also about being stupid, mindless, or just being regular teenagers. I would like our podcast to reflect all of that.” 


Ever since the podcasting club was created, many students have shown their interest in joining the club. 


“Everyone has a story,” Kim said. “Whether it is big or small, serious or stupid, everyone has something that they are thinking, experiencing, and feeling in their lives. I think the more you share your story, the more you learn about yourself. That is why I think people should join this club. Not for us, but for themselves.” 


Huron podcasting club’s works can be found on their Spotify page: “Between Chick and the Chicken”. They are planning to launch their work on Apple Podcasts as well.