Freshman Friday: Katherine Huntzicker

Katherine Huntzicker is a Freshman at Huron High School. Huntzicker enjoys playing field hockey for Huron.
September 30, 2022
Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what hobbies/sports you do.
A: “I’m Kate Huntzicker. I play soccer and field hockey. I like to read and I love hanging out with my friends. I like to cook sometimes, but I’m not that good at it. I am a freshman this year.”
Q: How would you describe your transition from middle to high school?
A: “The transition was surprisingly smooth. I didn’t get as lost as I thought I would, and I got the hang of one of my classes. I feel really comfortable now. So it definitely was not what I was expecting – I thought I would be a lot more confused, but it was good actually.”
Q: What class is the most interesting this year and why?
A: “Biology with Ms. Nalepa has been fun. We’re starting this new project on cell anatomy, so we’re kind of taking the cell and then using a different thing to kind of explain how the cell works, and we’re doing that in groups. Engineering and Design with Mr. Cupit has also been fun because we’re learning how to use a new platform, and we’re kind of trying to navigate that because it’ll be helpful later in the year.”
Q: What are 3 word to describe your first year of high school so far and why did you choose them?
A: “I would say ‘new’ because even though the transition was pretty smooth, there are a lot of new concepts, a lot of new people, a lot of new teachers, ‘fun’ because I thought I was going to be overloaded with homework, but it’s actually really fun, and ‘busy’ because even though we don’t get that much homework, field hockey takes up a long time.”
Q: How has high school surprised you so far? Were there any skills you had to learn to get work done or fit school into your schedule?
A: “Field hockey practice every single day is something I’ve never experienced before, so it takes up a lot of time. Not procrastinating has definitely been something I have to learn how to do because I don’t have that much time.”
Q: How do you want to remember your high school experience four years later? What are you doing now or how do you plan to make that happen?
A: “ I want to remember it as fun and exciting and smooth and I just want to have a good time talking to my friends. I don’t really want to remember it as stressful – I think really again I have to not procrastinate and try my best.”