Freshman Friday – Sofia Shah

Freshman Sofia Shah, after her club volleyball tournament.
September 23, 2022
Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what hobbies/sports you do.
A: “ I’m on the school’s JV volleyball team. I travel a lot, so I like to learn about the history in different places. ”
Q: How would you describe your transition from middle to high school?
A: “ Going from 8th to 9th was super different. There are a lot more students and people to hang out with, and it’s a much bigger school. I also don’t understand the lockers.”
Q: What class was the most interesting this year and why?
A: “ This year, so far, interior design is the most interesting. We have to learn how to write differently, in all caps and always in a straight line and I love my teacher.”
Q: What are 3 word to describe your first year of high school so far and why did you choose them?
A: “ Fun, long and new it’s fun because of football games and I can actually use my phone and carry my backpack around. It’s new and long because of volleyball practice”
Q: How has high school surprised you so far? Were there any skills you had to learn to get work done or fit school into your schedule?
A: “ I thought I was definitely going to be an outcast and not hang out with anyone but I’m hanging out with a lot of people.”
Q: How are you feeling about the end of the school year?
A: “ I’m not sure yet”
Q: How do you want to remember your high school experience four years later? What are you doing now or how do you plan to make that happen?
A: “ I want to enjoy it and fun but not to a point where I’m being stupid and don’t think school or volleyball is important anymore.”