Students to celebrate National Day of Silence on Friday April 22

Photo used with permission from GLSEN

The National Day of Silence will take place on Friday April 22.

Lydia Hargett, News Editor

In school, nearly nine out of ten LGBTQ+ students experience bullying and verbal harassment by other peers, and almost one third of students miss school because they feel unsafe. 


On Friday April 22, the National Day of Silence will occur. On this day, students voluntarily take a vow of silence at school to bring awareness to the bullying and harassment of LGBTQ+ students across the world. Along with the hate received, there is rarely any positive LGBTQ+ curriculum seen in schools.


“The day of silence has been happening at Huron since 1998, and it is an event that is for anyone that values LGBTQ+ rights,” Kristin Kubacki, club sponsor of Huron’s Rainbow Rats. 


Anyone is allowed to participate in the silence and teachers will allow students to do this as long as it is not detrimental to their instruction. This is a part of a building wide effort to create and safe, positive space for all students. poster, anyone allowed to use it on website for purpose of being distributed.