Race, gender and school-life: Huron book club progresses through “Ace of Spades” by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Huron book club typically meets bi-weekly on Mondays.

Lydia Hargett, News Editor

Huron’s Book Club has not stopped reading even with all the school closures and shifts to virtual learning. This year, the club has read two books.

“Currently, we are reading Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé,” senior Co-President Vish Gondesi said. “This book covers different issues we face in our society today such as racism and homophobia, and is told from many different character perspectives.”

When it is time to start a new book, the club looks to the Ann Arbor District Library for suggestions or asks Ms. Federhofer. 

“I really enjoy being in this club because I get to read books that I may not have picked out for myself” junior Mia Solomon said. “We end up having great discussions about what we read.”

The club meets on Mondays in room 4300 with their advisor Ms. Federhofer. During the meetings, the club talks about the books they are reading and what they like about it, any questions they have, and also new suggestions are said for the next book to read.

If you have any questions about the club or wish to join, feel free to email Gondesi at [email protected] or the other Co-President, Mariana Rosas Martinez, at [email protected].