Junior Jumpstart Monday: Mohamed Farha

Mohamed Farha is a Junior at Huron High School. He likes to play and watch football.

Courtesy of Farha

Mohamed Farha is a Junior at Huron High School. He likes to play and watch football.

Noor Ismail, Staff Writer

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what hobbies/sports you do.

A: “ I like to watch football with my family. I also like to spend time with my friends.”


Q: What is one class/club you would recommend to underclassmen? Why?

A: “I recommend taking auto. The teacher is cool and the class is very fun.”


Q: What’s an interesting/unique fact about yourself?

A: “Some interesting facts about me is that I like to read books and I love to go shopping for clothes.”


Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

A: “I see myself getting married and having a family.”


Q: Describe your high school experience in three words.

A: “You’re still young.”


Q: Who is your idol and why?

A: “I don’t have an idol.


Q: What is one lesson high school has taught you?

A: “One lesson high school taught me is to just have fun.”