Volunteering Through the Pandemic: The National Honor Society
NHS’ 2020 board (left) and 2021 board (right) at the induction ceremony.
December 10, 2020
While the original requirement for volunteer hours was 20 hours for the National Honor Society (NHS), in which seven of those had to be group hours, it has been deducted to only five hours for the first semester.
“In order to provide everyone with a virtual volunteer opportunity we have partnered with the peer facilitators [and Ms. Federhofer’s “Whatchamacallit” tutoring program] to provide virtual tutoring sessions to students at Huron,” president of NHS Joann Sun said.
Though tutoring has been their main volunteer opportunity, NHS has also begun working on a card drive. They will be writing holiday cards to residents in senior homes, as well as appreciation cards and videos for their teachers. The appreciation gifts for the teachers are planned to be designed or filmed online and emailed while they have their drop off at Huron for the physical cards at the senior homes.
The board members of NHS: Joann Sun as president, Aakarsh Verma as vice president, Lief Lin as secretary and Joey Oh as treasurer, aspire to show the rest of the chapter how easy it is to find opportunities to give back to the community and the significance of doing so.
“We hope to instill a passion in our members that encourages them to continue to leave a positive impact in their community wherever they go in life,” Sun said.