Teacher Tuesday: Rachel VanRiper

Ayomikun Olawale, Guest Writer

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A:My name is Rachel VanRiper and I am a Teacher Consultant at Huron High School. This is my 5th year at Huron and I absolutely love working here! I co-teach in the Biology classrooms and also teach Academic Support. Outside of school, I love traveling (pre-covid times), spending time with my husband and son, Target trips, cooking and working as a postpartum doula.


Q: What has been your favorite part about this school year?

A:It’s been a really weird year, for sure, but I have enjoyed getting to go upstairs on my breaks to see my son instead of being away from him all day.


Q: What do you miss about Huron?

A:I‘ve really missed my department in the 4208 office. I also miss seeing all my students, especially the seniors, as they finish up their time in high school. I love the staff at Huron and not getting to see them and catch up on their lives is really something I’ve been missing.”

Ms. VanRiper (left) and her husband.

Q: What is one goal you have for this year?

A:I want to be healthier this year. I just had a baby last year and that came with a lot of changes in my life and then quarantine times hit and that brought a whole new set of changes. I handled the stress by snacking a little too much probably so I want to make healthy food and exercise choices this year to be a good example for my son.


Q: What is your favorite class and why?

A:I have always liked English and Creative Writing when I was in school. At Huron, I love that we offer so many cool classes like Health Sciences, Baking and Pastry Arts, Homebuilding and Auto.


Q: What hobbies/sports do you do?

A:I did not play sports when I was in high school. I was in musicals and picked the art side of things over sports. I love watching sports and attending lots of sporting events before Covid, but I didn’t play any in high school.