Some students in high school feel pressured into taking AP classes too early, especially during their freshman and sophomore years. Around 9.5% of the freshmen class (41 out of 432) take one AP class or more. 37.2% of sophomores (158 out of 425) take one AP class or more. The difference in percentages between sophomores and both of the upperclassmen class, differs by just around three percent. It can be too early and too overwhelming for an underclassmen to take higher level classes due to the workload and high expectations from the classes to potentially build up stress.
AP classes taken are usually used for ratings on the high school offering AP classes by how many students are taking the AP classes. But there can be a lot of pressure that comes with taking one or more advanced classes. I noticed that some of my peers are taking up to four AP classes this year as just a sophomore.
AP classes can be intimidating to others. Having others think that their GPA and academic view on themselves seems like they’re taking too few advanced placement classes isnt enough for how many classes other students their age are taking. The comparison between one who takes one or no AP classes to students who take more than one could make them feel pressured and afraid that they don’t have enough college credit to be able to provide for their future.
As a sophomore in high school, I am currently taking one AP class this year. I have been surrounded by many peers who are taking more than just one AP class from last year to this upcoming school year. Even with just taking only one AP class in addition to my other classes, which are just regular classes an average sophomore takes, the workload is still stressful and overwhelming for me. After asking around my peers, I learned that AP classes take up to approximately three to four hours a day and eight to ten hours weekly. Seeing those who take more than just one AP class made me question if I am doing something wrong or if they are extremely stressed with the amount of work given to them.
The exams that are required near the end of the year are also quite expensive to take. The workload that comes with the AP classes can be overwhelming and also stressful. Even then, students are still choosing to take AP classes right after finishing middle school.
Taking AP classes shouldn’t feel like it defines you academically but also has you stressed about the class. You should feel ready and comfortable in what you take without feeling pressured on which classes to take.