Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what hobbies/sports you do.
A: I’m Sweta, I’m a sophomore and I like to draw and play video games! I’m not doing any clubs at the moment but I’d love to join the art club or crew in the spring.
Q: How is this year’s learning different from last years?
A: Obviously classes are a lot harder, but I feel like a lot of my classes are structured differently than I’m used to– like they’re faster paced. I don’t really mind; I work fast so it’s nice.
Q: Which classes have you found the most interesting and why?
A: I’m super excited for darkroom photography! It’s all just funded so we get to learn for free.
Q: Describe something that surprised you coming back to school this year that you weren’t expecting?
A: My schedule got all messed up and I didn’t know that it changed, so I had to adapt quickly. On a more positive note, it’s been a good first few weeks (other than the stuff with my schedule).
Q: What are your thoughts about personal project? What were some challenges you have faced so far? What are you working on?
A: I’m excited for it! I’ve already picked a project and done some research about it. I feel like it’s a bit too early in the year to face challenges but I’m looking forward to starting.
Q: If you could change one thing from your freshman self, what would it be?
A: If I could fix anything I’d probably try to not be so anxious, especially toward the middle of the year.