Junior Jumpstart Monday: Arav Bhojani


Bhojani plays 3 sports and likes BPA.

Sena Yoshida, Staff writer

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what hobbies/sports you do.

A: My name is Arav Bhojani and I am a current Junior. I enjoy playing soccer, basketball, and cricket. I also like to read and follow politics.


Q: What is one class/club you would recommend to underclassmen? Why?

A: I would most definitely recommend BPA (Business Professionals of America) to underclassmen because of the vast opportunities it provides. It is a great way to learn about the world of business, meet new people, and join a loving community.


Q: What’s an interesting/unique fact about yourself?

A: An interesting fact about me is that I am a Jain, a minority religion with roughly 3.5 million adherents around the world.


Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

A: In 10 years, I hopefully see myself with a job somewhere in the field of finance and data science.


Q: How do you feel about starting Junior year and why?

A: I’m so excited to start Junior year as I’ve heard it’s a lot of fun.


Q: Who is your idol and why?

A: My idol is Martin Luther King Jr. because of his fight for freedom and civil rights.


Q: What is one lesson high school has taught you?

A: One lesson high school has taught me is to use google calendar.