AAPS will be virtual on Wednesday, Jan. 26

Ridhma L. Kodali

AAPS is working hard to preserve in-person learning

Ridhima L. Kodali, Managing Editor

BREAKING NEWS — On Wednesday, Jan. 26, AAPS will transition into remote learning for one day in order to maintain in-school operations. This is due to the nature of Wednesday being an early release day. All AAPS campuses will remain in-person on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 

 “We are working hard to support our staff and serve our students during this challenging January,” the email communication sent by superintendent Jeanice Swift said. “ We are making progress through this current COVID surge and the related impact across our schools.” 

Students will be expected to report on time and participate during this virtual early release day. Swift appreciates the AAPS community’s support per this adjustment to remote learning on Wednesday. 

This week AAPS reports 177 cases, the highest number of cases during this pandemic upon the surge of the Omicron Variant. 

Swift and the board of education are continuing to work through the “ongoing staffing challenges” related to COVID-19. 

AAPS will continue to follow the mitigation strategies which Swift considers AAPS’ strongest approach — that is: vaccinations and boosters, universal masking and as symptoms arise, staying at home as a precautionary measure. 

“To have our students and staff learning together in school every day we can safely support adequate professional staff for in-school supervision of our students,” Swift wrote. “Our students, staff, parents and families are working together to take the necessary steps to preserve in-school learning. “ 

AAPS staff and students can opt for the five-day quarantine, returning on the sixth day if one does not exhibit any symptoms, close monitoring proceeds and wearing a high filtration mask. 

AAPS will make decisions on transitioning to remote learning based on the ability to staff for in-person operations, COVID-19 cases and guidance by the Washtenaw County Health Department. 

“While we work to notify parents as soon as we possibly can, these situations can at times change rapidly,” the email reads. “ We will continue to do everything we can to achieve in-school learning and to communicate often. We continue to make progress together. Thank you for all the steps you are taking every day to support our students, staff and the Ann Arbor Public Schools community.”

Transportation routes that are currently suspended will continue to be suspended for this upcoming week due to COVID. AAPS will be restoring transportation routes as soon as possible based on the status of the transportation staff. 

For updated AAPS COVID-19 health and safety protocols: https://www.a2schools.org/Page/17522