AAPS teachers to get COVID-19 vaccines as a push towards in-person school

Sara-Beth Badalamente

The halls of Logan Elementary school have been marked with social distancing stickers. This is one of many initiatives pushed by Ann Arbor Public Schools to work towards in-person schooling.

Mishal Charania, Managing Editor

Ann Arbor Public Schools Superintendent Jeanice Swift announced this past Friday her plans for the upcoming semester. Her goals include delivering quality virtual learning options, to continue enhanced student support, and to continue to prepare for a safe return to in-person school.

As of Jan. 8, Washtenaw County has reported 14,807 probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19 representing 2.63 percent of Michigan’s total COVID cases. 

Abiding by Centers for Disease Control guidelines, AAPS buildings have been deep cleaned, school grounds have been marked for social distancing, upgrading and monitoring building facilities, and having cleaning supplies ready in buildings. Additionally, teachers will soon be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine through AAPS. 

“The arrival of COVID vaccinations will prove a game-changer in our ability to emerge successfully as a school district and community from this COVID pandemic,” Swift stated in her New Year update. “We will continue to mobilize available AAPS resources, offering our staff, locations and anything needed, in support of our Washtenaw County public health team and this immense community vaccination effort.”

All AAPS staff and personnel are eligible to receive the vaccine but supplies depend on how much is distributed to the Washtenaw County Health Department. Staff members have not yet been able to sign up for vaccinations but are waiting for more information from the WCHD. 

This move is part of a greater initiative led by Governor Gretchen Whitmer to reopen schools by March 1 as stated in her Jan. 8 press conference. There are no definite plans to reopen AAPS schools but Swift has prioritized starting with the youngest students and students with the greatest needs.