Senior Sunday: Pooja Yalavarthi

Pooja (middle) and her friends at homecoming.

Kaitlyn Sabb, Feature Editor

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: I’m a senior this year, and I’m usually looking for a new show on Netflix in my free time. 


Q: What has been your favorite part about this school year? What has been the most difficult part?

A: Waking up later than usual has been nice, but it’s also harder to be motivated for school. 


Q: What do you miss about Huron? Do you hope to go back and finish your senior year in-person?

A: I miss being able to see my friends every day, and definitely hope to finish my senior year in person.


Q: What is one goal you have for this year?

A: I’m looking forward to finally graduating!


Q: What is your favorite class and why? Who is the teacher and what do you enjoy about their style?

A: Humanities, because we get to have seminars on historical documents and books instead of normal classwork. Ms. Grant and Mr. G’s questions always expand on what we’re talking about and make us think.


Q: What hobbies/sports do you do?

A: I’m on the swim team, and started baking during quarantine!