Sophomore Saturday: Kate Wright

Kate Wright (left) and her sister Libby at Traverse City.

Allison Mi, Copy Editor

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: “I’m Kate and I’m a sophomore at Huron.”


Q: What has been your favorite part about this school year?

A: “My favorite part of this school year has definitely been being able to sleep in later in the morning.”


Q: What do you miss about Huron?

A: “I miss seeing my friends every day and going to lunch.”


Q: What is one goal you have for this year?

A: “My goal is just to stay motivated and get good grades.”


Q: What is your favorite class and why?

A: “My favorite class at the moment is probably government because it’s fun to have discussions about the current election and everything that’s going on.”


Q: What hobbies/sports do you do?

A: “This fall I did golf and cross country.”