Junior Jumpstart Monday: Lief Lin

Julie Heng, Editor-in-Chief

Courtesy of Lief Lin
Junior Lief Lin (middle) along with other members of Huron’s Symphony orchestra.

Q: What are your thoughts on how the school year is currently going?

A: “The school year is going great so far. There are hard classes like AP Chemistry but school is pretty good as long as you have good friends and some fun extracurricular activities.”



Q: What has been your most shocking experience in high school so far?

A: “I have to say my High School experience has been pretty uneventful in terms of “shocking” things. So the most shocking experience is probably right now when school has closed for around three weeks due to the Coronavirus. It kind of feels like summer except that you can’t go anywhere and it’s the middle of March.”



Q: Favorite class/teacher?

A: “My favorite class is definitely orchestra. It’s something that I’ve done for the past three years and plan on doing my senior year. You really get to know the people around you, you get to play different music in different auditoriums, you get to have fun and relax at the end of your school day, and you get to listen to Mr. Krohn’s bad jokes sometimes.”



Q: What activities are you involved in?

A: “I participate in sports such as tennis and previously golf. I play the violin in the Huron Orchestra and also previously in MYSO. I am also in some different clubs such as BPA and Ethics Bowl. Lastly, I do some volunteering through NHS and clubs like LESI.”



Q: If you could redo one thing in your life what would it be?

A: “I wouldn’t redo anything. I’m very happy with where I am in life and I think all of my previous decisions and experiences have developed me into who I am today. So no regrets and no redos.”