Administrative Policy Bans Blankets

Julie Heng, Editor-In-Chief

Students have been bringing blankets to school for years. However, notices prohibiting blankets have recently been sent to students and parents.

Principal Dr. Schwamb emphasizes that not bringing or wearing blankets in school is not a new policy.

“Blankets can pose a trip hazard in classrooms and hallways,” Schwamb said in an email. “Communications have gone out in the weekly Sunday Huron News asking students to bring sweatshirts or sweaters to layer as the weather gets colder and classroom temperatures may vary.”

Schwamb explains that bringing or wearing blankets is not aligned with Huron’s dress code policy. Blankets would fall under the category of “any attire that is deemed inappropriate by school administration.”

Clause 22 of Huron Policy

At Huron, our school is a professional learning environment. We believe that a student’s attire and mindset are directly related and a student who is professionally and appropriately attired for school is also more apt to treat their education as a professional endeavor and is suited to do their best work. As a result, it is our intent to support our students as they progress by maintaining expectations for professional and appropriate school attire.”