Min Coulombe, a junior at Huron, recently obtained an unfortunate injury. You may have seen her traveling the halls in crutches. So what happened?
“I had a soccer game last Sunday, and I was chasing a girl and my leg pivoted wrong and my knee just cracked and popped out.” Coulombe said. A devoted Huron soccer player, she is cut off from the sport for now.
“I play goalkeeper for Huron,” Coulombe said. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be out for a few months.” But despite her injury, she remains hopeful.
Coulombe is no stranger to sports injuries.
“I broke my left arm playing Gaga ball in fourth grade,” she said. “My arm was [broken], and my leg, they think, is either an ACL or MCL tear.”
It’s been getting better for her gradually, though. Her condition has been improving gradually, and it certainly could have been worse.
“Thankfully I do sleep well,” Coulombe said. “People who get injured in their knees apparently have trouble sleeping, but I don’t have that much trouble. I’ve been getting used to it but it’s still definitely a bit tricky.”
She has learned much from her situation. From soccer to sleeping to walking, she is navigating injury with an optimism you wouldn’t expect to see in most.
“I’m hoping it’s just a small tear with no surgery needed,” Coulombe said. “But don’t take anything for granted, especially your walking privileges. That’s a good lesson.”