Freshman Friday: Ariyanna Wimberly
January 6, 2023
Q: Can you tell me about yourself?
A: “I’m 14, I’m a freshman, I like playing volleyball.”
Q: Are you involved in any activities at Huron, such as sports or clubs?
A: “Not as of right now.”
Q: How was your learning in high school different than it was in middle school?
A: “I could say more challenging, like not as much help.”
Q: Is there something that you unexpected you experienced entering the school year?
A: “No, not really. I got the main idea.”
Q: What are your thoughts on high school so far?
A: “I feel like it’s cool; different experience, more people, more interaction.”
Q: Which classes do you find most uninteresting at Huron?
A: “Definitely biology.”