Teacher Tuesday: Suzanne Dickie
Dickie smiling for the camera.
January 10, 2023
Q: “What do you teach here at Huron?”
A: “I am a special education teacher, I co-teach in 3 algebra I classes, and 2 academic support classes.”
Q: “How long have you been teaching for?”
A: “I am in my 17th year.”
Q: “What is your favorite part about teaching?”
A: “It is a super cool job. It’s cool to be a part of teenage learning because I love being around teenagers. 2:51 is the best time of day though!”
Q: “How do you like teaching at Huron?
A: “I think it is wonderful. Everyone has been super nice and supportive to me during my move.”
Q: “What is your least favorite part about teaching?”
A: “Cell phones. Kids never get off of them, they are a huge distraction and it makes learning hard for everyone.”
Q: “What do you think makes Huron unique?”
A: “I think the diverse student population is awesome. I also think the building’s shape is very unique as well.”
Q: “What are three words that you would use to describe Mr. Carter?”
A: “Three words I would use to describe Mr. Carter would be supportive, consistent, and dapper.”
Q: “If you could make one improvement to Huron, what would it be?”
A: “I would try to improve the traffic flows before and after school, try to create more entrances and exits in and out of parking lots so that there is less traffic.”