Teacher Tuesday: Aimee Grant
Grant posing for the picture.
December 6, 2022
Q: What/Who inspired you to become a teacher?
A: I wasn’t one of those teenagers who knew what I wanted to do with my life, and I actually didn’t love my high school English classes (even though I loved reading and writing). However, I did have amazing field hockey coaches: Claudia Keen and Jane Nixon in particular showed me what smart, hard working, witty women looked like. I didn’t come to teaching until I was a junior in college. At the time I was also coaching field hockey at Greenhills and loved sharing my passion and knowledge of the game with my players. I realized that I could do the same thing with my love of reading and writing in a classroom, and I was lucky enough to get hired at Huron as soon as I graduated from EMU.
Q: What hobbies do you have outside of School?
A: I love traveling and trying new things; a good friend jokingly refers to me as the activities director because I’m always planning an outing to a new art exhibit at the DIA, a live music venue that just popped up, or a big trip – this past summer my husband and I took our kids to Greece, and I’m going again with my Humanities students for spring break this year.
Q: What good memories have you had this year?
A: I’ve especially enjoyed the breakfast clubs we have each month in Humanities; it’s a chance to hang out for an hour, get to know my students, and share a meal (including hilarious offerings like the roast chicken Aiko brought to our Friendsgiving-themed breakfast).
Q: What is one motto you will always live by?
A: Things don’t have to be perfect to be wonderful – this is what I have taped above my desk to remind me to have gratitude about what I have and not pine for an unattainable perfection.