The importance of Islamic prayer

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Islamic prayer happens five times a day.

Noor Awwad, Staff Writer

Islamic prayer is essential to Muslims all around the world. The Islamic prayer happens five times a day. The prayers are called Fajr which happens the morning before sunset, Dhur which happens in the afternoon, Asr which happens in the evening, and Maghrib and Isha which happens between 7 and 11 p.m. During these prayers, they are most close to God. 

Junior Rahaf Al-Qawaji explains how prayer is taught mostly by parents, and they are the ones who get kids interested in prayer. 

“My mom got me into prayer when I was younger and because I have been praying from a young age it has been a daily routine and a must,” Al-Qawaji said.

However, prayers are not only done alone, they can be done in pairs or in a group.

“Sometimes I pray with my sisters because I like sharing the experience and it is a time to spend with loved ones,” Al-Qawaji said.

Prayers are done every day, but they feel extra special in the month of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month. This is a time of reflection. During Ramadan, there is a prayer called Taraweeh at the end of the day. This prayer happens after the other 5 prayers. 

“I get extra excited for this prayer every day because both family and friends come together and you get to meet new people,” Al-Qawaji said. 

For those who do pray, it is a time of reflection and an opportunity to relax.