Sophomore Saturday: Jesslyn Pryor
Jesslyn taking mirror picture.
September 24, 2022
Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what hobbies/sports you do.
A: “I’m a student at Huron, I go to the BSU sometimes and I do yard work. I find it very relaxing.”
Q: How is this years learning different than last years?
A: “This year I will say teachers do give out a lot of work more excessively. I feel like teachers are more inconsiderate. For students, I feel like hygiene wasn’t learned this summer at all, and the freshman haven’t had it kicked in their head that this is high school not middle school, and everybody else has their stuff together.”
Q: Which classes have you found the most interesting and why?
A: “Call me a dork, but chemistry, because I don’t know anything about chemistry, so I’m actually paying attention.”
Q: Describe something that surprised you coming back to school this year that you weren’t expecting?
A: “How many people aren’t faithful in friendships and relationships is crazy. Also, how many students we have that can’t even walk in the hall.”
Q: What are your thoughts about personal project? What were some challenges you have faced so far? What are you working on?
A: “It’s very irrelevant. Most of it is repetitive. Very repetitive. My personal project is painting a canvas. Some challenges in that class is finding the will to write a bunch of repetitive stuff.”
Q: If you could change one thing from your freshman self, what would it be?
A: “I would definitely have picked different friends, and that’s about it.”