Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and things you do in and out of school.
A: My name is Kennedy and some things that I do at Huron are play volleyball, and outside of school I also play volleyball.
Q: What is your favorite Huron event and why? (Multi Culti, Homecoming, Clap Out, etc.)
A: My favorite Huron event is homecoming because I get to be with my friends.
Q: Where is your favorite spot at Huron and why? (Certain lunch table, classroom, outdoor area, etc.)
A: My favorite spot in Huron is the cafeteria because I love to eat.
Q: What is one of your favorite high school memories and why?
A: My favorite memory at Huron is when I got an A on my math final.
Q: If you could make up a class and teach it at Huron, what class would you teach?
A:I would teach volleyball class.
Q: What is something you would redo about your sophomore year if you could?
A: Something I would redo is change the shoes that I wore.
Q: What’s an interesting fact or hidden talent about yourself?
A: I don’t have any hidden talents sadly.
Q: What is your favorite season during the school year and why?
A: My favorite season during the school year is the summer or back to school because then you can wear shorts.
Q: Who is your idol and why?
A: My idol is Bruno Mars because I like his music.
Q: What is one lesson high school has taught you?
A: Don’t turn in your work late.
Q: What is a hot take of yours?
A: My hot take is that movie theater popcorn is bad.