The Holdovers
Heartwarming and offbeat, “The Holdovers” sparks reminiscence of the 1989 film “Dead Poets Society.” The film centers around the story of three mismatched people: the curmudgeonly professor Paul Hunham, troublemaker Angus Tully, and grieving head cook Mary Lamb. The unfortunate three are being “held over” at a New England all-boys prep school during Christmas break, unable or unwilling to return home for different reasons. Although trouble and conflict ensue in the beginning, they begin to form a bond and understand each others’ lives far more than any of them could have ever imagined.
The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Breaking up sucks. Getting your heart broken sucks even more. What if you could make that all go away, with a simple doctor’s visit? In Michael Gordy’s 2004 film “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” these questions are explored through surreal, dream-esque cinematography and story. Joel, a simple man leading a mundane life, is heartbroken when his girlfriend Clementine, who is quirky and introduces spontaneity and living life to its fullest to Joel, breaks up with him. When he finds out that Clementine seems to have completely forgotten who he is, as if they had never met in the first place, he begins to spiral — and seeks to erase Clementine out of his life, not realizing that there are consequences that will affect his life forever.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Directed by Wes Anderson, known for his eccentric cinematography and vibrant use of colors, The Grand Budapest Hotel takes place at an European ski resort in the 1930s. Arguably Anderson’s best work, the film follows a concierge, Gustave, and his protege, a junior lobby boy named Zero. When crime, murder, and theft erupts at the snowy resort, Gustave and Zero find themselves in the center of it all. “The Grand Budapest Hotel” is filled with gorgeous details and odd humor, and perfect for any film-enthusiast looking for something to watch during the wintertime.
Little Women
In “Little Women (2019),” Greta Gerwig adapts the classic piece of literature written by Louisa May Alcott based on her own personal experiences, of sisterhood, personal growth, and growing up, into a picture-perfect modern cult classic. The film takes place in the 1800s and follows the story of four sisters — Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, who are all conversely different yet share a strong, sacred bond. The film isn’t exclusively a holiday film, but parts of it take place during the wintertime and holidays. Most importantly, the story is warm and inviting, centered around what is especially important during the cold season — family.