Pizza is one of, if not, the most popular dish in the world. One of the reasons behind why so many people like it is because of the variety of types of pizzas and toppings there are. There are a lot of different toppings like pepperoni, ham, cheese, and many more. A non-traditional pizza topping was brought up in Canada in the 1960s. Ever since, there has been a lot of controversy on whether pineapple on pizza should be a thing or not. Pineapple on pizza should have never been a thing and should stop now.
The contrast between pineapple, a cold sweet, and sour fruit, and pizza, a warm non-sweet dish, does not go together at all. When putting pineapple on top of cheese, tomato sauce, and any other toppings, pineapple is the only sweet thing on there, disturbing the balance with the rest of the ingredients. The difference of taste of the pineapple breaks the harmony there usually is in a pizza. The texture of pineapple is nothing like the rest of the pizza. The fruit is wet and soggy, compared to a dry and warm pizza. Taking a bite of the pineapple on the pizza makes the whole pizza feel soggy. This takes away the usual crispiness of the crust and the feel of the rest of the toppings.
Traditionally, pizza has been around for centuries and for centuries there was no such thing as pineapple on pizza. This recent addition to toppings shows that the traditional pizza would never have such a topping. The pineapple takes away the traditional pizza that should remain untouched.
The addition of pineapple to pizza toppings in 1962 has created the Hawaiian pizza that many people enjoy. This should have never been even an idea and people should stop eating it.