Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and things you do in and out of school.
A: I’m Jessica! I am a current junior at Huron. I love reading, pink, and all things autumn. In school, my biggest passion is Academic Games, a club I’ve been apart of since fourth grade (seven years!). Outside of school, I love dancing, particularly ballet and contemporary, and hanging out with friends and family.
Q: What is your favorite Huron event and why? (Multi Culti, Homecoming, Clap Out, etc.)
A: My favorite Huron event is Homecoming. I love any excuse to dress up and take pictures. It’s a quintessential part of the high school experience and such a fun night of singing and dancing.
Q: Where is your favorite spot at Huron and why? (Certain lunch table, classroom, outdoor area, etc.)
A: My favorite spot at Huron is the orchestra room. It’s like my home base at Huron: I go in the morning with my friends to drop off instruments, lunch to help out with set up and talk with our Orchestra Director Mr.Krohn, and 7th hour for Orchestra! I feel so heard and seen in Orchestra, by classmates and teachers alike.
Q: What is one of your favorite high school memories and why?
A: Interlochen will forever be one of the highlights of my high school experience. It’s a week-long music trip up north right before the school year begins, where we rehearse for the upcoming season, make new friends, and enjoy unforgettable moments. My favorite memory is our annual campfire tradition, where we celebrate our Seniors and reflect on the cherished memories we’ve created while looking forward to those still to come.
Q: If you could make up a class and teach it at Huron, what class would you teach?
A: I would teach a dance class! I’ve been dancing since I was three and would love to share my passion with others.
Q: What is something you would redo about your sophomore year if you could?
A: I wished I changed my mindset on “locking in”. I lacked proper prioritization and balance in life, often discarding what truly mattered for trivial reasons. Looking back, I look at all of the time I could’ve allocated more efficiently with regret.
Q: What’s an interesting fact or hidden talent about yourself?
A: I am deathly afraid of dogs! I had a traumatic encounter with a scary dog when I was really young (involving lots of chasing and a sprained ankle) and I’ve been forever scared of them.
Q: What is your favorite season during the school year and why?
A: My favorite season during the school year is fall. Aside from the immaculate weather and vibes of fall, fall during the school year brings an opportunity to start anew. Fall represents the start of a new school year: new classes, new teachers, and new friends. It gives you the ability to take what you’ve learned from last year and apply it.
Q: Who is your idol and why?
A: My mom is my idol because of her resilience and dedication to give me the best childhood possible.
Q: What is one lesson high school has taught you?
A: Balance is key. High school has taught me how to juggle school, life, extracurriculars, and friends. However, in order to not burn out, balance is key! It is equally important to study for an upcoming exam as it is to relax and hang out with friends. You deserve rest and relaxation.
Q: What is a hot take of yours?
A: Hot water will definitely be better to me than cold water. It leaves you feeling warm and cozy from the inside out. It’s like a dip into a hot tub on a snowy night or the sip of hot chocolate by a campfire.