Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and things you do in and out of school.
A: I’m 16, I’m in the CP program for Health Science. I love to bake, read, and listen to music! I’m in ISA and UNICEF in school and outside of school I work as a hostess at a restaurant. Whenever I have free time I love spending time with friends and family.
Q: What is your favorite Huron event and why? (Multi Culti, Homecoming, Clap Out, etc.)
A: My favorite huron event is definitely Multi Culti! I’ve participated in it since freshman year with ISA and it’s been so fun. I love the days leading up to it and the performance day itself, it’s such a fun time with amazing people.
Q: Where is your favorite spot at Huron and why? (Certain lunch table, classroom, outdoor area, etc.)
A: My favorite spot is the library. I like that it’s quiet and not super crowded which is a really nice contrast from literally anywhere else in the school.
Q: What is one of your favorite high school memories and why?
A: The ISA Diwali party last year. I loved being able to dress up and celebrate Diwali and spend time with my friends!
Q: If you could make up a class and teach it at Huron, what class would you teach?
A: I would make a class on personal hygiene. Why do the hallways stink that bad.
Q: What is something you would redo about your sophomore year if you could?
A: I would redo how I picked my classes. Some of the classes I took were so unnecessary I should’ve just finished my history credit.
Q: What’s an interesting fact or hidden talent about yourself?
A: I don’t think I have one.
Q: What is your favorite season during the school year and why?
A: Winter! Specifically the first semester during the month Multi Culti preparation starts right before winter break. It makes all the stress of getting everything in before winter break a little more bearable.
Q: Who is your idol and why?
A: My sister! She’s older than me so I’ve looked up to her my whole life. I think everything about her is amazing but she’s also taught me so much.
Q: What is one lesson high school has taught you?
A: Talk to people in your classes! It can be awkward at first and it may feel weird but it’s really nice to have people you can talk to and lean on in class, especially when you need help.
Q: What is a hot take of yours?
A: Pickles are nasty.