On Jan. 7, the Huron PTSO held its monthly meeting to review current events within Huron as well as action items for the near future. This included discussions about Personal Project night, IB options night, buses not being supplied for sports, clubs, and staff appreciation events.
The meeting opened with a brief conversation on Personal Project Exhibition Night, which was held last Wednesday.
IB Information Night was held last Friday for those interested in the DP and CP programs. PTSO members are interested in promoting these higher-level classes to those who wouldn’t normally take it for a rounded education rather than college applications.
Junior Kate Kim, who is the class of 2026 representative, brought up the issue of clubs being difficult to start, maintain, and fund. Mr. Carter mentioned that clubs need to go through the approval process for the safety of students and the legality of receiving funds. Guidelines are on the HHS website: https://huron.a2schools.org/activities/activities.
Lastly, teacher appreciation was discussed; there will be a chili and cornbread meal on the Jan. 31 for teachers and staff.
“It’s just one of those things that if we can show a tiny bit of appreciation in any way, we would like to do that,” said Huron parent Sara Schneidewind.