Q: Tell me a little about yourself and things you do in and out of school?
A: My name is Sunny Kernahan and I’ve attended Huron High School for all 4 years. I like to paint; I’m very involved in the art program at Huron. I’m an active participant in Huron Players and am on the board of directors.
Q: Out of all your clubs, extracurriculars, and sports, which one is your favorite and why?
A: My favorite club is the Huron Players because it’s such a vibrant community of people who belong together.
Q: What is your favorite Huron event? (Multi Culti, Pep Rally, Homecoming, etc)
A: I love Multi Culti and I look forward to it every year. It’s so much fun and I love the dancing and music. It’s just a great time.
Q: Where is your favorite spot at Huron and what do you like about it?
A: I like the publications room and the Ingram theater. I like that that’s where I do the things I love. It’s not really about the place, but more about the things that go on there.
Q: What is your favorite high school memory?
A: My favorite high school memory is generally when I met my best friends.
Q: Who is one of your favorite teachers and why?
A: My favorite teachers are Mrs. Kubacki and OC because they are the most supportive people I know and they have always rooted for me. I feel at home with them.
Q: Which of the classes that you’ve taken is your favorite and why?
A: I love Yearbook; I’ve taken it for 3 years now. I also love DP Visual Art. I get to express myself through designs in ways that I wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.
Q: What are you thinking of doing after high school?
A: I’m going to go to art school but I don’t know where yet. Probably in Chicago or New York.
Q: What is something you’d redo throughout your high school experience if you could start over?
A: I would probably try to put myself out there more socially because I do think that I could’ve stood to have more people in my corner.
Q: What piece of advice would you give to the underclassmen?
A: Take high school seriously but have fun. Find a balance between being social and academic.
Q: What is a hot take of yours?
A: My hot take is that Pitch Perfect is a cinematic masterpiece.
Q: What will you miss most about high school?
A: I will miss all the people that I got to see every day regardless of whether or not I liked them. I’m going to miss my teachers, especially the ones I mentioned before, and having a schedule. But most of all, I’m going to miss Ashley Kim.