With finals season approaching, here are some tips and tricks for how to feel more prepared and ready for exams.
1. Make a study plan a week or two in advance.
Start by making sure you know which classes have exams and when they are and which classes you know you are struggling more with. Write down all of the concepts you need to study for each class, and with the time you have until your exam, divide the work up evenly between the days.
2. Block out time to stick to your study schedule.
You might have to change other events around this, but prioritize completing what you need to each day based on your study plan.
3. Have a good study space set up.
This can be in your house or somewhere else, like the library. Know where you will be going every day for your studying, and try to make it somewhere that you know you will be productive. If you are going to be at home, try to clean up your study area and have all the materials you’ll need easily available so that your only worry is your studying.
4. Get a good night’s sleep – fix your sleep schedule a couple weeks before!!
This might seem really difficult, but it’s important that you are getting enough sleep and rest leading up to final exams. Try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night until you’re at a time that works for you. Teenagers typically need eight to 10 hours of sleep.
5. Mix up your methods of studying.
You can try studying with friends from time to time, although you do have to make sure you’re actually getting your work done. Some other ideas include making flashcards, making Kahoots or other games out of your content, creating timelines or other visual graphics, rereading your notes, taking practice tests and making quizzes for your friends to take.
6. Make sure to fuel yourself – drink lots of water + eat healthy, balanced meals.
A list of the best foods for your brain can be found here.
7. Try to limit your screentime the day before your bigger finals.
This helps keep you focused and feel energized the day of the exam.
8. If you’re given review packets, make sure you do them (plus more!)
Whatever your teacher gives you will be the best thing you can do for review. However, oftentimes, you need to go a little further in order to make sure you’re adequately prepared.
9. Take breaks during your study sessions.
This can feel counterintuitive, but at the end of the day, breaks help you feel renewed and rejuvenated to continue your studying for longer amounts of time at high levels of productivity
10. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
If you’re struggling with a concept in your class, chances are, your teacher is more than willing to assist. You can always send them an email, go up to them after class, or go to their office hours to work through possible solutions.