Senior Katherine Ma was recently inspired by a tradition called See You At The Pole, a student-initiated movement started by students in other states, where highschoolers gather around their school’s flagpole on the fourth Wednesday of every September to pray. On Sept. 25, more than 25 Huron students gathered at the school’s flagpole.
“My youth pastor at my church was the one to suggest starting this at Huron,” Ma said.
The morning started at 7:15 with introductions, followed by morning devotionals: two short verses from Matthew and Revelations. After that, the students discussed the things that they wanted to pray about, before praying in silence.
“One of the prompts for our prayer was to pray for our school leaders to be led by God’s wisdom and love,” Ma said. “Something that I also personally prayed for was for God to open the hearts of those around us, to get past their prejudices about Christianity and realize that loving others is one of the biggest commandments. ”
As the school doors opened for the morning, the group enjoyed donuts and juice.
“I hope that this is a tradition that continues,” Ma said. “I would like to see people younger than me be strong and courageous in their faith. I would also like to hold monthly prayer meetings at Huron in the morning, so we can all just know that we have a community of believers by our side.”
“Despite the early start, it was a good way to start the day and connect with the Christian community at Huron,” said senior Alexander Svintsitski, who attended the event. “The sugar we got at the end also helped.”
If approved, Ma hopes to form a Christian club called Salt&Light at Huron, which will serve as a community for people to learn more about the Bible and Christianity in fellowship with one another.