In a cinematic universe plagued with a formulaic approach, Deadpool & Wolverine emerges as a breath of fresh air. Directed by Shawn Levy, this is the latest movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that brings together two of the franchise’s favorite characters: Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. What follows is an adventure packed with snark, violence, and a mood that you will not find anywhere else in superhero movies.
In “Deadpool & Wolverine,” Deadpool’s peaceful life is disrupted when the Time Variance Authority (TVA) recruits him to help safeguard the multiverse, which to no one’s surprise, spirals into utter chaos. Wolverine is initially hesitant to join the mission but is eventually dragged into the chaos by Deadpool’s sheer force of personality. Together, they embark on a chaotic journey filled with action, amazing one-liners, and enough fourth wall breaks to keep the audience constantly on the edge of their seat and laughing.
Though the plot isn’t groundbreaking by any standard, it serves as a perfect backdrop for the characters’ antics. The performances are what truly made this movie amazing. Reynolds leans heavily into Deadpool’s dark humor, while Jackman brings back the frizzed charm that made the Wolverine movies so iconic. Watching them banter, fight, and occasionally bond brings a level of fun that the MCU has been missing making it a breath of fresh air.
Levy, known for his work on CGI-driven projects like “Free Guy,” handles the action sequences with a new twist. While the action was not at the same level as a film like “Avenger: Endgame,” it still provides more than enough adrenaline-fueled thrills. The film is packed with stylized combat that pays homage to both characters’ fighting styles.
Where “Deadpool & Wolverine,” shines is in its humor. The script is a comedic masterpiece packed with meta references, self-aware jokes, and nods to the wider MCU. Deadpool’s habit of breaking the fourth wall is used in full effect with plenty of jokes about superhero tropes. The level of humor is what fans have come to expect from Deadpool, and Levy and Reynold do not disappoint.
The blend of action and comedy feels balanced with the humor never undercutting the stakes too much but providing enough legroom to keep the film from falling into dark territory that many superhero films are criticized for. Instead, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” embraces its over-the-top nature where the action scenes often serve as a comedic set piece in their own right.
One of the film’s highlights and perhaps its most debated feature is the insane number of cameos and Easter eggs sprinkled throughout. While some critics argue that the movies lean too heavily on these movements, the fans of the MCU and Marvel Comics will likely revel in the many nods to the broad universe. From the surprise appearances by characters from other films to subtle references to classic comic book storylines, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” feels like a love letter to Marvel’s rich history.
Among the most talked about cameos are appearances from unexpected MCU characters along with some fun callbacks to previous X-Men films. The film even includes an attribute to the late Stan Lee which is sure to tug at some heartstrings of longtime Marvel enthusiasts. While some may view these cameos as overindulgent they undeniably add a layer of fun for those who know the Marvel lore well.
With that said, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” is not without its flaws. Some viewers might find the reliance on cameos and hero movements to be too excessive, and the action sequences lack the jaw-dropping inventiveness seen in other MCU films like Shang Chi. However what the film lacks in originality it more than makes up for in pure entertainment value.
At its core “Deadpool & Wolverine,” succeeds because it knows what it is – a wild hilarious ride that doesn’t take itself seriously. It’s a film that embraces the chaos of its protagonist and offers fans a delightful mashup of humor, action, and heart. In a time when MCU could use a win, the film delivers just that.